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Zhejiang Scenery: Fuchun River
     发布时间:2017-10-24 11:04:38    

  富春江(Fuchun River )中国浙江省中部河流。为钱塘江建德市梅城镇下至萧山区闻家堰段的别称。长110公里,流贯浙江省桐庐、富阳两县区。自梅城以下5公里至芦茨埠附近为峡谷段。

Fuchun River is in the middle of Zhejiang Province in China, and Fuchun River is another name for Wen weir section in Xiaoshan district to Mei town in Jiande city of Qian Tang River to. It is 110 kilometers long and runs through two counties of Tonglu and Fuyang in Zhejiang province. It is a canyon section from 5 kilometers below Mei city to the Luci port.


Since ancient times, the water of the Fuchun River is blue and clean, the mountains in the cross-strait are splendid and beautiful, the places of historic interests and scenic beauties spread all over the place. It is through the Qiandao Lake and the Huangshan in Anhui scenic area, to the beautiful Hangzhou West Lake. It was divided into two sections, from Tonglu to the city of superior, called Tong Jiang; from Tonglu via Fuyang to wenjiayan is usually called the Fuchun River.


The mountain scenery in two sides of the Fuchun River are green and beautiful, the water of the river is clean and blue, and it was known as the water is clean and great. and there are many village and market town with strong local characteristics. Adding more color in the picture of the Fuchun River and Xin'An river. The area of the Fuchun River was named Junior Three Gorges in the pass time. There are many great mountains and rivers, the best one is Fuchun River from ancient to now. In the injecting place of Xu river, which is a branch river, has Zixu Ferry, Wu zixu temple and other historical sites. Wujun, the litterateur in Liang Dynasty, has written the scenes of Fuchun River. ( There are more than 100 kilometers from Fuyang to Tonglu, which has splendid mountains and beautiful water, are the unique in the world.) Since the downstream construction of the Fuchun River hydropower station, the area flooded reservoir, the great river is like a mirror, the two sides of Castle Peak little, Set sail within seven kilometers became one of the eight sceneries in Yanling.

  [中国网综合 翻译:张旭]

来源: 中国网综合    | 作者:中国网综合 翻译:张旭    | 责编:胡金     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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