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Tourism College of Zhejiang China invites global tourism giants
     发布时间:2017-10-24 16:08:35    


On October 23 Beijing time, on 2017 the 1st “Tourism Education and Sustainable Development of Tourism” international forum, representatives of Costa Crociere S.p.A, AMHA, Canada Hotel Association, Pacific Asia Travel Association, world travel, tourism cooperation organization and global tourism were present.


During two days of the forum, nearly 200 experts, scholars, senior executives will discuss tourism education and sustainable development of tourism together through a series of activities like keynote speech, special report, communication through web forums and others.


The forum is held in Hangzhou because Tourism College of Zhejiang China is one of sponsors. 28 majors of the school are relevant to tourism. Over 70% of students work in areas related to tourism after graduation. The school built alliances with over 50 tourism enterprises.


On the opening ceremony, overseas strategic partner(part) of Tourism College of Zhejiang China awarding ceremony was held including Australia William Angliss Institute, Taiwan National Kaohsiung University Of Hospitality And Tourism, Italy Costa Cruises, GTTP, Russia Tourism and Service National University, NYIT.


Meanwhile,Tourism College of Zhejiang China signed China the US Cooperation Agreement on International Industry-Education Integration of tourism education with AMHA, both of them will aiming at training high quality,having strong practical ability and international talents of tourism and planned to cooperate in international standard construction of specialized course system,teacher-student interaction,education research,exchange and cooperation platform of hotel industry between China and the US and so on.

  (中国网综合 翻译:余乐)

来源: 中国网综合    | 作者:中国网综合 翻译:余乐    | 责编:胡金     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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