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Chess world championship tournament will open in Ningbo early next month
     发布时间:2017-10-25 14:55:03    

  On November 1st to 3, Beijing time, the 2017 "Ningbo Hangzhou Bay FOTILE cup" chess world championship tournament will be staged in the Ningbo Hangzhou bay new district, Ke Jie, Chen Yaoye, Tuo Jiaxi, Yue, Jiang Weijie, Fan Tingyu, Tan Xiao and Zhou Ruiyang these 8 world champions will hold three days of extreme confrontation. This is another influential event held in the new district after the first international marathon in Ningbo in 2015 and the Lining road running in 2017.


  According to the latest Chinese professional Weiqi score of September 30, 2017, among the top 9 world champions, all the 8 players competed except one player have other competitions.
  They have the strongest of surface "the number one of Weiqi in the world" Ke Jie, "averaged dragon"Shiyue, who is known as strong,Chen Yaoye, a double world champion who is known as the hardworking, Tuo Jiaxi, an experienced and astute young player, Tan Xiao, the swift sword boy, Jiang Weijie, the post-90s world champion, Fan Tingyu, the youngest Chinese record holder and Zhou Ruiyang, flexible chess style with professional art of singing. All of the 8 world champions will make every game of the chess world champion competition as a world-class game.
  It is reported that this event will use the latest Chinese chess competition rules  approved by Chinese Chess Association, the black paste 3 and 3/4; when used for each move for 30 seconds, each side has 10 times’ 1 minute countdown, timeout to negative.

来源: 中国网综合    | 作者:胡金 宓文文 译    | 责编:邱玉洁     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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