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Zhejiang scenery: Xuanmen Bay national wetland park
     发布时间:2017-10-27 15:40:39    


A few days ago, "Top 10 the most beautiful wetland in Zhejiang" and "Top 10 the most unique wetland in Zhejiang" were officially released, Yuhuan Xuanmen Bay is on the list, successfully selected as "the most beautiful wetland in Zhejiang."


The search and comparison of “the most beautiful wetland in Zhejiang” activities are held by the Provincial ecological culture association, Provincial green and wetland conservation committee and other units, jointly organized by Zhejiang publishing, “Zhejiang forestry” magazines and other media platform. After comprehensive evaluation of 32 wetlands selected in the province, they make a shortlist of "Top 10 the most beautiful wetland in Zhejiang" and "Top 10 the most unique wetland in Zhejiang" according to the results and the evaluation opinions of experts.


Yuhuan Xuanmen Bay national wetland park covers an area of 31.48 square kilometers, with 4 categories or 9 types of wetland such as onshore and offshore wetland, river wetland, etc. It has dual characteristics of Lake Wetland and shallow coastal wetland. In recent years, aiming at National wetland park construction, Yuhuan County has achieved remarkable results in improving water quality and biodiversity conservation through a series of ecological restoration work. At present, the main water quality has reached Ⅲ class standard, rare and endangered waterfowl increased from 137 species to 154 species, of which there are 15 kinds of waterfowl at the first-grade State protection or national secondary protection.Blackface spoonbills, an endangered waterfowl, have been around 3% at the world population for several years.

  (中国网综合 翻译:袁旭宁)(推广)

来源: 中国网    | 作者:中国网综合 翻译:袁旭宁    | 责编:胡金     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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