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Zhejiang scenery:Nianbadu
     发布时间:2017-10-28 22:18:28    

中国网浪潮资讯  廿八都,位于浙江江山境内,为历史文化名镇,浙江省作家创作基地,地处浙闽赣三省交界,历史上是边区的重要集镇,素有“枫溪锁钥”之称。 

Nianbadu, located in Jiangshan, Zhejiang province, is a historical and cultural town, Zhejiang writers creative base. It located at the junction of Fujian and Jiangxi provinces, and historically is an important town in the border area, known as the "the key of maple and creek".



Nianbadu is 70 kilometers from Jiangshan county and is an old town. In the Xining four years (1071) of the Northern Song dynasty, forty-four towns were set up in Jiangshan, and the place was the twenty-eighth, so named it Nianbadu, which has a history of more than 900 years. The ancient buildings in the town are not only abundant, but also well preserved. The architectural style of the ancient town is very different from that of other houses. The layout is different from the terrain, the environment and the roadway, well-proportioned and full of variations. The basic structure of the dwellings is the quadrangle of the plane rectangle, and the courtyard is two into one, and there are also three into two courtyard halls. The halls inside of the room is a courtyard by themselves and the patterns on the door fan and window are rarely the same. The civil residence is all stone structure and it is seldom to see the door building of brick carving, many of them were composed of delicate wood carving component. The form of the four pillars and three floors of the building style is unique.

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There are still 2 traditional ancient streets, 36 ancient dwellings, 2 Confucious' temples, 14 increased temples, 10 views, 4 families, 13 dialects and 142 surnames in Nianbadu, mountain songs, folk dances, dry boats, flower lanterns, paper-cuts, puppets and folk proverbs, folk songs, folk tales and folklore prevail in the town. It was praised as a "cultural land" and "a dream left in the mountain".

  (中国网综合 翻译耿凯宁)(推广)

来源: 中国网    | 作者:翻译耿凯宁    | 责编:丁萨     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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