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Zhejiang Scenery: Shen Garden
     发布时间:2017-10-29 13:44:23    


Shen Garden is located in the Chunbo alley, Yuecheng district of Shaoxing city. It is a famous garden in the Song Dynasty and has been in history for more than 800 years.


Shen Garden, also known as “Shen's Garden”, was a private garden belongs to a merchant prince whose surname was Shen in the Southern Song Dynasty. It was built in the Song Dynasty, it was very large at the beginning, covering an area of 70 mu. In the garden, there are many pavilions, terraces and open halls, water flowing beneath a little bridge, the trees make a pleasant shade. It is a scenery of Jiangnan. Shen Garden is the national 5A scenic spot, which is the only Song style garden that has been preserved in Shaoxing's many classical gardens.


Shen Garden is divided into historic sites, dongyuan and nanyuan. It has Guhe Pavilion, Banbi Pavilion, Shuanggui Tang, Bayong lou, Song Well, Shepu, Wenmei Sill, Chaitou Feng stele, Qin Tai, Guangsi Zhai and other landscapes. In 1963, it was identified as the cultural relic protection unit of Zhejiang province.


Lu You had left a famous poem Chai Tou Feng here. The words in the wall wrote out the pain of parting. Tang Wan saw and sang it with mournful mood and soon she died of depression. In Lu You’s later years, he visited Shen Garden many times and wrote poems to express what he missed. In 1192, he revisited Shen Garden and wrote another poem, “Shen Garden is in the south of Yu Ji Temple. Forty years ago I wrote a poetry on the stone wall there, and read it made me feel disappointed.”

  (中国网综合 翻译:耿凯宁)(推广)

来源: 中国网综合    | 作者:中国网综合 翻译:耿凯宁    | 责编:胡金     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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