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Jieshou, Chun’an held the third session of the Rural Tourism Festival and the tenth citrus Cultural Festival
     发布时间:2017-10-29 13:50:22    

中国网浪潮资讯   北京时间10月28日,第三届乡村旅游节暨第十届柑橘文化节在淳安县界首乡举办。此次活动主题为“橘红界首 滨湖小镇”,包括开幕式、橘王大赛、个性主题民宿大赛、美丽庭院评比、百岁老人话康美、拔河比赛、美食体验、露营晚会、亲子采摘9项主题活动。

On October 28th, Beijing time, the third Rural Tourism Festival and the tenth citrus cultural festival held in Jieshou township, Chunan County. The theme is "orange town of Jieshou, lakeside town", including 9 theme activities such as opening ceremony, the orange king contest, theme Bed&Breakfast contest, beautiful courtyard appraisal, centenarian take activity, a tug of war, camping experience, delicacy party and parent-child picking.


It is reported that Jieshou township is located in West Central Chunan, area of 121 square kilometers. Chun Kai highway through the township, location advantage obvious, 30 kilometers away from the county government. West connected ginger Town, north by Zi Tong Town, Southeast of Qiandao Lake.


Jieshou has rich products, rich in tea, citrus, fish and other agricultural products, Chunan county is famous fruit township. Jieshou township a total of 16146 acres of orchards, including citrus orchard area of 14,910 acres, has 1 national level demonstration of farmer cooperatives cooperatives and 2 County modern agricultural demonstration parks. Jieshou citrus’ peel is thin, it is juicy and sweet, suitable climate, purple sand soil characteristic and elaborate scientific culture, let the citrus sales continued irritably from 9 months to 3 months.


With the development of green economy, self driving riding, picking experience, tourism let Jieshou gradually turn to agricultural township integration tour from the traditional agricultural large township.


It is understood that Jieshou existing rural 6 farmhouses, 30 public Bed&Breakfasts, 2 boutique B&B groups and 1 B&B gathering village. In 2016, the township received a total of 220 thousand visitors, accommodation visitors 36 thousand people, the number of restaurants reached more than 17 million passengers. The total tourism revenue reached more than 2,483 yuan, an increase of 6%; the net income of tourism business was 8 million 700 thousand yuan, an increase of 7%, and it was at the forefront of the 23 townships in Chun’an county.


On the day of the opening ceremony, the leaders of Chunan county Party committee award for creative beautiful garden, personality theme B&B and orange King winning of individuals and units, and then watch local theatrical performances.

  (作者 张渊 张云松 报道 翻译 宓文文)

来源: 中国网    | 作者:张渊 张云松 报道 翻译 宓文文    | 责编:胡金     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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