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“新型全球城市”50强出炉 新一线城市中仅杭州入围
"New global city" top 50, only a new city in Hangzhou finalists
     发布时间:2017-11-01 14:19:18    


Beijing time on October 30th, held in Guangzhou city on the world - Global City Competitiveness Forum, the Institute of finance strategy of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences  and UN-HABITAT released the "Global City Competitiveness Report 2017-2018", the report was released that "future new global city rankings. in the top 50 of "New global city" , there are 6 Chinese city on the list, in addition to Beijing, Shenzhen, Shanghai, Guangzhou four first-tier cities, Hangzhou, Hongkong is also on the list, Hangzhou is the only short listed for the new first-tier cities, ranked twenty-fifth in the top 50.



Compared with the existing stock of strength, "the new global city rankings reflect the city's future potential, It combines the number of brands synthesized each city in 2017 the most valuable and changes in recent years to rank the city.


At present, Hangzhou is at the critical period of after the G20 summit and before the beginning of Asian games. With the rise of a number of world enterprises such as Alibaba and Geely, the competitiveness of Hangzhou in the world cities has been continuously enhanced, which is known as "Silicon Valley of China"".


It is reported that the report also ranked 1007 cities in the world in terms of economic competitiveness and sustainable competitiveness. In the global economic competitiveness index ranking, China's Shenzhen, HongKong, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Beijing finalists in the world's top 20, Hangzhou ranked seventy-fourth; in the sustainable competitiveness rankings, Hangzhou ranked 101st.

  (作者:张渊 胡金 翻译:张旭)

来源: 中国网    | 作者::张渊 胡金 翻译:张旭    | 责编:王思杨     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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