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Hangzhou is selected as "national ecological garden city" in china
     发布时间:2017-11-01 14:26:33    


On October 31st, Beijing time, in the 2017 world city forum hosted by the United Nations Habitat, the national housing and urban construction department, Hangzhou stood out from more than 300 "national garden cities" and officially named the award of "national ecological garden city" by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, become a super high version of the national garden city. This is the first city in Zhejiang province to win this honor, also the only city in the domestic sub provincial city to be awarded the title.


Since 2007 was identified as the first batch of "national ecological garden city pilot city", Hangzhou has been in accordance with the national ecological garden city standards and requirements with actively carry out the work, the concept of ecological garden has been integrated into all aspects of the construction of Hangzhou.



In addition, the Hangzhou municipal party committee and government for 10 consecutive years list the green city expansion for "run things for the people", through the implementation of practical projects, the city  add green area of 58 million 560 thousand square meters, since 2010 newly added 420 thousand square meters of green roof, the green messenger annually to the community residents free vines, encourage people to grow vertical greening in the conditions of the walls and roof construction, create an atmosphere of national making buildings green and love green.



At the end of 2016, the index of green space rate, green coverage rate, per park green area in Hangzhou urban area have reached 37.2%, 40.7% and 14.4 square meters.

  (作者:张渊 胡金 翻译:宓文文)

来源: 中国网    | 作者::张渊 胡金 翻译:宓文文    | 责编:王思杨     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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