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再添4座国际产业园 浙江制造越来越有国际范
Adding another 4 international industrial parks, Zhejiang manufacturing has more and more international fan
     发布时间:2017-11-05 18:07:51    


Recently, the People’s Government of Zhejiang Province approved the establishments of four international industrial cooperation parks including Zhejiang China-Israel(Yuhang) Industrial Cooperation Park, Zhejiang China- Czech(Ningbo) Industrial Cooperation Park, Zhejiang China-South Korea (Wuxing) Industrial Cooperation Park and Zhejiang China- USA (Huzhou)Industrial Cooperation Park. Now, The current number of Provincial International Industrial Park in Zhejiang reached 19.


It is learned that the international industrial cooperation parks integrate manufacturing, research and development, office, business, cultural exchanges and other functions as a whole, making exotic customs, humanistic feelings, modern management and modern business as a organic integration in Zhejiang Li.


Singapore Hangzhou science and Technology Park


Among them,Zhejiang China-Israel(Yuhang) Industrial Cooperation Park will take the advanced network of Israel , intelligent medical equipment,bio-medicine, life science and technology project as the main goal to introduce and cultivate a number of medium and small-sized enterprises with high technology content and good demonstration effect of advanced health medicine industry in Israel and other countries. It also gradually promotes international cooperation of Development Zone with other countries in the direction of health care industry at the same time.


Zhejiang China- Czech(Ningbo) Industrial Cooperation Park will take Czech and other central and Eastern European countries as an important elements and become a open international industrial cooperation park gathering international high quality industrial resources. It will take high-tech materials industry and high-tech electrical industry as the leading industry, the producing-service industry and life-service industry as the support industry, to bio-pharmaceutical industry, environmental technology and crystal, beer and other central and Eastern European characteristic products manufacturing as the characteristic industry.


Zhejiang China-Holland(Jiashan) Industrial Cooperation Park


Zhejiang China-South Korea (Wuxing) Industrial Cooperation Park will make full use of the advantage of the platform and gather high-end elements of the industry to set up the cosmetics inspection center, build professional testing center which integrates cosmetics testing, research and development, certification, consulting, results conversion and other services as a whole as well as set a highland of beauty makeup industry.


Zhejiang China- USA (Huzhou)Industrial Cooperation Park will be in the layout of "one center and two bases".That is to say, it will form a overall pattern of taking South Taihu Science and Technology Innovation Center as the leading of science and technology,the biological medicine industry base and the new energy automotive industry base as expansion.


Since 2015, Zhejiang Province has established 19 international industrial cooperation parks, including China-Italy Ningbo Ecological Park and successfully introduced more than 200 national cooperation projects and more than $7 billion of investment in total.

(中国网综合 翻译:陈萍萍)

来源: 中国网综合    | 作者:中国网综合 翻译:陈萍萍    | 责编:胡金     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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