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Zhejiang Scenery: Hidden Dragon Waterfalls
     发布时间:2017-11-05 18:12:52    


Hidden Dragon Waterfalls scenic area is located in southeast of Anji county in Zhejiang Province(It also known as the "Small Liangshan") which is 18 kilometers away from the county.The south of it is to Lin’an "Small Jiuzhaigou Scenic Area and the west is to Tianhuangping Pumped Storage Power Station which is the first in Asia and second in the world. Lin-Qing Provincial Highway from Huzhou to Lin’an goes across Hidden Dragon Waterfalls scenic area. Hidden Dragon Waterfalls scenic area covers more than 30 square kilometers. Entering the scenic area, there are thousands-meters mountains stand facing each other along the both sides, the forests are very dense. There are waterfalls and fountains beside road.We can see visible cliffs, unique mountains and continuous bamboos.

  藏龙百瀑是浙江最大的瀑布群,有三折重叠,落差为60多米的“长龙飞瀑”,有彩虹横卧的“ 虹贯龙瀑门”(人称小黄果树),更有神形皆备的“神龟听瀑”——真可谓瀑瀑相连,一步一景。

Hidden Dragon Waterfalls is the largest waterfall group in Zhejiang with three layers of overlapping.There are "Long Dragon Waterfall"dropping off more than 60 meters, “Hong Guan Long Waterfall Door” with rainbow lying "( it also called Huangguoshu Waterfalls) and even the "Turtles-Listening Waterfalls" with realistic shape and spirit - the waterfalls linked together and there is one scene in one step.


Hidden Dragon Waterfalls is not only is famous for having a large number of waterfalls, but there is also a piece of ten thousand tons of rock hanging between cliffs about seventy million years ago, which is called "Xianren Bridge". It has the risk of hanging by a thread. Fairy Stone, Eagles Stone and natural overhanging rock stand facing each other and with realistic shapes. There are many kinds of wild animals and nearly 100 kinds of plants protected by country in the scenic area. In summer, the weather here is cool. It is quiet and there are ten miles without an umbrella. There is no mosquito in the canyon. In the winter, the waterfalls get icy and the scenery is spectacular. The snow scene is charming so it is called "Jiangnan Harbin".

(中国网综合 翻译:陈萍萍)(推广)

来源: 中国网综合    | 作者:中国网综合 翻译:陈萍萍    | 责编:胡金     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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