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Alibaba's first overseas eWTP pilot zone was opened in Malaysia
     发布时间:2017-11-06 17:11:30    


November 3rd , Beijing Time, with Malaysian prime minister Najib and Alibaba chairman Jack Ma in a joint chorus, Alibaba’s first overseas eWTP (the world's electronic trading platform) experimental zone - digital free trade area in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia enabled all operations.



This is the fourth time that Najib and Jack Ma have met. When they met for the first time on November 4 last year, Mr Najib decided that Malaysia would embrace eWTP. “Landing in such a short time is a challenge for Malaysia. Today we have shown that Malaysia's speed is in sync with Alibaba's speed.”



On the same day, eWTP was based in Kuala Lumpur airport, the first of its kind in China. The project announced that the global intelligent logistics network of Green hand has added a large overseas bridgehead, which will serve the small and medium-sized businesses in southeast Asia and the world.


At present, the Green hand has cooperated with the Malaysian customs and has opened a quick clearance system. This is the first link between Malaysian customs and e-commerce, and the only customs system connected to e-commerce in southeast Asia. The efficiency of customs clearance has been improved from the previous six hours to three hours of paperless customs clearance.



At the same time, eWTP's first overseas intelligent robot warehouse is being put into operation here, which is also the first intelligent robot warehouse in southeast Asia. In this warehouse, the Green hand uses a batch of AGV robots to complete the sorting operation, which is three times more efficient than the manual mode. This is the first time that the logistics industry in southeast Asia has welcomed the AGV robot, which has refreshed the new stage of intelligent logistics in the region.


Thousands of small business owners from Malaysia came to the scene, and Najib described the vision to them that now the durian in Malaysia has been sold to China. In the future, more high-quality goods from Malaysia will be sold to all over the world through eWTP.

  作者 张渊 李斌 报道  翻译 耿凯宁

来源: 中国网综合    | 作者:张渊 李斌 翻译 耿凯宁    | 责编:张云松     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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