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Zhejiang Scenery: Zhuge Eight Diagrams Village
     发布时间:2017-11-07 16:42:21    

Zhuge village, Lanxi City, is located in Lanxi, the Midwest city of Zhejiang. It is 18 kilometers away from the city area. The village now has more than 4000 descendants of Zhuge liang, which is the largest settlement of Zhuge liang descendants in the country.


Zhuge Village’s overall structure was designed by Zhuge dashi, the 27th generation of Zhuge liang, which is layout design according to eight diagrams and Eight Diagrams. The whole village to the bell pool as the core, the eight lanes radiate outward, forming an inside Eight Diagrams , the more magical is there are eight hills embrace the whole village, forming an outside Eight Diagrams; The village gives first place in the Ming and Qing buildings, and has more than 200 houses and existing halls and to preserve the integrity of Ming and Qing Dynasties. The village landscape diversity and graceful, with row upon row of ancient buildings, ancient commercial center ringing the pool, the whole village formed a variety and unity.


虽历经数百年,但村落九宫八卦的格局一直未变,其“青砖、灰瓦、马头墙、肥梁、胖柱、小闺房 ”的建筑风格,是目前全国保护的最好,群体最大,型制最齐,文化内涵很深厚的一个古村落。(推广)
Although after hundreds of years, the village’s Jiugong and Eight Diagrams pattern has never been changed, the “black bricks, gray tiles, horse head wall, beam, column, small boudoir” architectural style, is an ancient village which is currently the best protected, the largest, the most homogeneous type, and has deep cultural connotation.

来源: 中国网    | 作者:胡金 张旭 译    | 责编:邱玉洁     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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