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The fourth world Internet conference will be held in hangzhou
     发布时间:2017-11-08 15:53:25    


Recently, the first meeting of the leadership group and mobilization meeting of the fourth world Internet conference in zhejiang was held in hangzhou.



The mobilization meeting asked that the members of the leadership group of zhejiang province will set out on the new starting point and do their best to carry out the work of contractors. We will focus on the work of improving the overall plan for hosting the work, organizing 10 aspects of the preparatory work, and comprehensively improving the security capacity of the meeting. Actively seek for change, strictly abserve discipline, show the good style of zhejiang cadres. Strengthen scientific pooling, and focus on organizing a more exciting conference.

  据了解,本届世界互联网大会将于北京时间12月3日至5日在乌镇召开,以“发展数字经济 促进开放共享——携手共建网络空间命运共同体”为主题,助力实现网络强国战略目标。

It is understood that the current world conference on the Internet will be opened on December 3rd, Beijing time, in wuzhen, with "the development of digital economy Promote open sharing, hand in hand to build network space fate community "as the theme, power network strategy to achieve goals.

  作者:王思杨 翻译:宓文文

来源: 中国网    | 作者::王思杨 翻译:宓文文    | 责编:王思杨     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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