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杭州紫之隧道传喜讯 亚洲最长城市隧道群摘得鲁班奖
Hangzhou Zizhi Tunnel Came Out Good News the Longest Urban Tunnel Group Get the Luban Prize
     发布时间:2017-11-10 15:56:26    


China's construction industry association announced the results of the 2016 China construction engineering Luban Prize (national quality project) on Beijing time November 6, 2016. Hangzhou investment group organization construction, Hangzhou construction and development group to build the Zizhi tunnel project, won the honor.


  紫之隧道作为亚洲最长的城市隧道群,是杭州市“四纵五横”快速路网的重要一纵。自2016年8月10日通车以来,大幅缩短了之江、城西两地通行耗时(由45分钟降低至20分钟),方便了两地市民出行,切实改善了杭州城市中心区与西湖风景区的交通环境,对 “后申遗时代”西湖风景区的可持续发展有着重要战略意义。

As the longest urban tunnel group in Asia, the Zizhi tunnel is an important part of Hangzhou's ‘four vertical and five horizontal’ expressway network. Since August 10, 2016 opened to traffic, greatly shorten the time consuming from Zhijiang to the city of west (reduced from 45 minutes to 20 minutes), convenient for citizens to travel, both to improve the Hangzhou urban district and the west lake scenic area of traffic environment, to ‘support after age’ the sustainable development of the west lake scenic area has important strategic significance.



Zizhi Tunnel project won the Luban Prize, is the project builders  crystal of wisdom and sweat, is a unity of Hangzhou city, striving to make progress is Hangzhou city landmark leap for systems engineering construction field.

  中国网综合 翻译:夏梦茹

来源: 中国网综合    | 作者:胡金 夏梦茹 译    | 责编:胡金     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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