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     发布时间:2017-11-25 14:07:37    

  中国网浪潮资讯 北京时间11月22日,在美国纽约时代广场纳斯达克“世界第一屏”上,一副极具特色、色彩鲜明的画面闪耀亮相世界舞台,向全世界展现了中国丝绸的魅力,这家企业就是万事利丝绸。

November 22, Beijing Time, on the Nasdaq "world's first screen" in New York's times square, a very distinctive and vivid picture shows at the world stage and shows the charm of Chinese silk to the world. This enterprise is the Wensli silk.



New York times square, a landmark of New York, is known as the "crossroads of the world", this place has an immeasurable position in the hearts of the United States and the people of the world. The huge screen of Nasdaq is known as "the world's first screen" and the focus screen of "global focus" and "world attention". The annual flow of hundreds of millions of people. It affects more than Americans and is a global concern.



As the representative of the classical Chinese history industry, Wensli silk auspicious festive color "blessing" brings not only the China's traditional culture symbol, but also the China's cultural confidence and brand confidence under the Belt And Road initiative. In the future, Wensli silk will continue to develop the silk brand with international vision. While inheriting the Chinese silk culture, it will bring forth new things and let Chinese silk go to the world and let the world fall in love with Chinese silk!

  (作者:张渊 杨立群 通讯员:楼玉峰 报道  翻译:耿凯宁)

来源: 中国网    | 作者::张渊 杨立群 通讯员:楼玉峰 翻译:耿凯宁    | 责编:张云松     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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