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     发布时间:2017-11-26 19:27:17    

  中国网浪潮资讯   仕水碇步位于温州泰顺南部的仕阳镇。世界上各种各样的桥梁很多,木拱廊桥就是历史比较悠久的一种桥梁。但是历史最悠久的桥梁并不是廊桥,而是一种被当地人叫做碇步的原始桥梁。这种原始桥梁学术上称为堤梁桥,因其形酷似钢琴的键盘,故又名为“琴桥”。

Shi River and Ding step is located in Shiyang county, in the south of  Taishun,Wenzhou. The world’s all kinds of bridge. Wooden arch bridges is a kind of bridge has long history. But the oldest bridge is not a bridge, it is an original bridge which called Ding steps by local people. The original bridge is technically called dike bridge, because its shape resembles the piano keyboard, also known as the “ piano bridge”.



At present, Taishun county has a total of more than 200 anchor steps, more than 10 teeth short, more than 200 long teeth, Sandu Bay River (East river to Shi Yang River) has much, since to Dongxi to ShiYang, has10 steps within 10 km, are up to hundreds of teeth, as the Shi river and Ding step of the model beautiful.


         (作者张渊 丁萨报道  翻译张旭)(推广)


来源: 中国网    | 作者:张渊 丁萨    | 责编:丁萨     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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