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我爱浙江 | 我在浙江赏青瓷
I love Zhejiang | I enjoy celadon in Zhejiang
发布时间 | 2022-12-05 10:56:42    


  White like jade, bright as a mirror and sound like a chime, which is the special feature of Zhejiang Longquan celadon. In this video, Aleks from the United States will use his narrative to take us into the history of Longquan celadon, understand the story of celadon, appreciate the beauty of celadon, and witness the inheritance of celadon.

来源:中国网    | 撰稿:张逸彬    | 责编:俞舒珺    审核:张渊

新闻投稿:184042016@qq.com    新闻热线:13157110107